Elevate Your Potential: Experience the Benefits of STEM Lab!

Embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and skill-building with STEM. It’s your gateway to unlocking a world of opportunities that empower you for a future driven by science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Propeller Technologies is one of the leading STEM Accredited Tech-Edu providers in India, where STEM.ORG is a private educational research and credentialing organization recognized worldwide for their services, supporting the world’s top brands, organizations and educators. Following in their footsteps Propeller Technologies is also aiming to manifest top class pedagogics/ andragogics, such as STEM.ORG, with STEM Lab composition at private schools.

Why we are your best STEM Lab partners?

Stem accredited curriculum and patented products.

High Quality Packages and components to equip 40 students in a solitary batch.

Real time DIY kits to kindle and encourage student’s creativity and innovation.

On-board and Project based up-skilling for teachers and students.

Flexible periodic training for the students as per the school time table.

Formation of active in-house students team for inter and intra school level competitions around the world

Inclusive subscription for Propel. Study for a year to access more knowledge.

Lab Ambience & Lab Interior Setup