Edu Tech services under various guises and parallel product development are the two pillars of Propeller Technologies existence. With our inveterate vision of “together we create makers of the world” Propeller Technologies is missioned to intersperse a myriad of makers across the world by imparting real world connectivity in Tech education and providing the best STEM education imaginable along with STEM kits and several other learning resources. In our books, learning is not mere acquisition of knowledge, but the application of learned gist to endure practical difficulties is where completion occurs.
Track Record of Excellence

The STEM.org Accredited™ Experience trustmark streamlines interested partie’s ability to identify out-of-school time programs that conform to the organization’s vetted standards, thus assisting with quick decision-making in favor of quality. When parents, educators, grantors et al. observe the STEM.org Accredited™ Experience seal, they know programs will:
Integrate seamlessly into STEM-friendly homes and communities.
Align to Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Math standards.
Support the development of student’s 21st Century Skills.
Engage students through hands-on learning and collaboration.
Ensure a secure, third-party review and evaluation process.
STEM.org is the leading and exclusive third-party validator of STEM programs and other learning experiences. Each credential is now cryptographically-secured and brands like Nike, UBTECH and Generation Esports are using the terminology STEM.org Accredited™ Experience on their websites.
Over 4,500+ programs have been awarded the STEM.org Accredited™ Experience trustmark globally.
STEM.org Educational Research™ takes into consideration the following criteria when assessing each course:
Standard 1: STEM Subjects
Standard 2: 21st Century Skills
Standard 3: Support Materials
Standard 4: Diversity & Inclusion
Standard 5: Socialization & Communication
Standard 6: Imagination & Cognition
Standard 7: Kinesthetics & Active Play
Standard 8: STEM Careers

STEM.org Accredited
Stem.org Educational Research (SER) is the extensive constantly working privately-held STEM education research and credentialing association in the USA. They have intently collaborated with a few driving researchers, educators, administrators, NGOs, schools and organizations to benchmark STEM standards. Propel. Study dedicated for STEM Education by Propeller Technologies has whisked the standards of a students’ expectation to another whole level through their block-chain secured STEM.org accreditation to each one of their courses. It is the first STEM e-learning platform in the Nation to be honored with this International Accreditation. This moment of surreal expansion to such a service-minded organization should be appreciated and celebrated by the Nation because Propel. study is the first and foremost organization in India to receive the world’s original and most recognized block-chain secured accreditation by STEM.org. And as an additional prerogative and prestige, Mr. Aashik Rahman the Executive Director of Propel. study has been certified the maiden Educational Instructor accredited by STEM.org upon his completion of the Masters Training Program.